In 2022, Changing Lenses, Changing Lives (CLCL) enhanced its organizational structure by qualifying as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) within Kenya. The NGO certification means that Kenya recognizes CLCL is an independent organization, free from government influence. One of the benefits to this designation is the ability to raise funds and apply for grants within Kenya to support our mission. Transparency to our donors is also enhanced, as Kenyan law requires CLCL-Kenya to hire an independent auditor annually to review our financial transactions.
In order to support this new designation, a sister organization named CLCL-Kenya has been formed, which has its own board of directors, bank accounts and offices. Together with the founding CLCL-US organization, they work together to fulfill the CLCL mission: Changing Lenses, Changing Lives aims to ease the suffering of vulnerable children in developing countries.